Dog and Duck Show
As one of the most popular dog displays in the country, with over 100 events each year, the Dog and Duck Show team work extremely hard to educate the public about dog behaviour in a fun and enjoyable way for both the animals and owners.
By using energy and body language, we show the audience how we control our sheep dogs at different stages of their training, while demonstrating simple techniques to help with common dog behaviour issues. The Dog and Duck Show display is divided into three parts … PART ONE: DOG PSYCHOLOGY Helping to understand why our dogs have unwanted dog problems and how to solve them. PART TWO: NATURAL INSTINCTS The team uses sheep dogs, at different stages of training, with our Indian Runner ducks, to demonstrate their natural canine instincts. The dogs are controlled by using their natural language (energy and body language), and then we show how we train them on to their commands. PART THREE: DOGS IN ACTION Our Collie dogs put the ducks through their course of tunnels, slides, maltese cross, pool and pen, which always leaves the crowd in awe of our working dogs. The dogs and ducks live happily side by side at our home base. This closeness provides a natural protection against predators for the ducks, which allows them to be free range 24/7 in their area, as well as desensitizing the animals to each other. In CORPORATE EVENTS guests work with the trained dogs and ducks in a relaxed and entertaining setting, with the emphasis on having FUN. This enhances communication skills and working relationships, while encouraging all participants to think outside the box to overcome new challenges.
FEES FOR 2023 SHOWS: £795 for 1-day show • £1,550 for 2-day show All plus Travel and VAT Corporate Events: £650, plus Travel and VAT Dog and Duck