Maverick Circus Show
Maverick Circus Show
The Maverick Circus Show 1st prize Winner of The International Street Theatre Awards (Rotterdam ) Jason Maverick’s laughter filled 30 minute shows have been performed in over 35 countries world wide. Bald Head Hoopla; The Worlds Highest Juggle, Slow Motion mime; Comedy Plate Spinning.. and a generous dollop of audience participation! (A totally self contained show )
''That guy is ******* brilliant ‘’ Jonathan Ross
‘’Amazing; thats mesmerising’’ Jane Asher
‘’Exellent mate; do come on the show’’ Chris Evans
‘’Thats so cool; can I take you home with me’’ Stacey Soloman
‘Thank were fabulous” Olivier Harrison
''Jason ; you were superb'' Joanna Lumley
‘The Queen enjoyed herself immensely’. Thank you so much for your wonderful work.’ Lady Elizabeth Anson
2 x 30min shows plus `1 x walkabout session
Area required: Minimum 4 x 2m for stage shows
6 x 3m for Ground shows